Foot Cleansing FAQ

Ashiatsu barefoot massage foot cleansing ritual

How Do You Clean Your Feet?

A common refrain from barefoot therapists and clients alike are questions about how to clean your feet before, during, and after a barefoot massage session.

Some therapists have beautiful bowls they cleanse in and ritualize the process, but it’s really not necessary. It can be as simple as cleansing with a little soap and water before and after the session in a pan or bowl or even sitting on the side of the sink.

Since most of us aren’t fortunate enough to have a foot bath available in our treatment room, table-side we always recommend a final spritz. It not only makes the client feel comfortable that our feet are as clean as possible, but it also ensures that anything you may have picked up since the last soap and water cleanse is washed away.

Where Do You Get Foot Spray?

I don’t know if you can buy a cleansing foot spray commercially. It’s so easy to make at home I’ve never really looked for it. Also, I like being able to control the ingredients that touch my skin and by doing it myself the cost is less than any commercial product is likely to be, especially with the volume a barefoot massage therapist will go through. I use A LOT of foot spray. There’s also the issue of client allergies to consider so making it takes away the guesswork on ingredients and potential reactions.

Make Your Own Foot Spray!

I know folks who use a combination of alcohol and water or those alcohol-based anti-bacterial gels. Those work, but can be very drying for some especially when used long-term.

I prefer to make my own from simple ingredients. First you’ll need a spray bottle, I prefer the trigger style as they’re easier to use even when you’ve been handling oils, creams, or lotions. I find the pump bottles almost impossible to hold onto if I’ve used any product at all. The other ingredients are distilled water, witch hazel, and essential oils.

For the oils, I prefer ones with anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. And after a recent conversation with my friend and aromatherapist, Hillary Arrieta, from Gaia Bodywork in Dallas, TX, I have started adding lavender essential oil to combat the drying nature of some of the other essential oils.

A Foot Spray Recipe

4 oz. spray bottle (trigger bottles tend to work better than pump bottles)
1 oz. distilled water
1 oz. witch hazel
No more than 24 drops combined of essential oils of melaleuca, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, and/or peppermint.

Combine all and shake well before each use. Spritz feet liberally table-side and dry with a towel.

This foot spray can also be used as a room spray, linen spray, to clean and refresh clients’ feet, or on those really hot days when your deodorant fails, can be pressed into use as as a body cleansing spray.

A COVID-19 Compliant Foot Spray

8 oz. 99% ethyl alcohol
1 Tbsp. household peroxide
1 tsp. vegetable glycerin
50 drops of essential oils of your choice
2 oz. distilled water

Combine all and shake well before each use. Spritz feet liberally table-side and dry with a towel.

Do not use for room or linen spray.

I hope this has answered most of your pressing questions about barefoot massage and foot cleansing. If not, drop your questions in the comments or give me a call and we can talk about it!

See you in class soon!