
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Whether you love it, or hate it, Valentine’s Day is here. If you’ve waited a little too long and need a little something for that special someone, click here to save the day with a gift certificate for a massage! Feeling a little down because you’ve not yet found that special someone? Why not give yourself the gift of relaxation?


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Ashiatsu Barefoot Specialist!


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Attention Last Minute Shoppers!

So if you’ve waited until the final hours before you really need a gift for someone, have I got a deal for you!

Click here to buy a gift certificate for that special someone. All you need is an email address and a credit card and in just a minute you will be printing a gift certificate and stuffing it in a stocking. Easy peasy, and you are done!

Merry Christmas, Everyone!



Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur’s Barefoot Massage Specialist!

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Traditional Herbal Flu Fighters – An Herbal Class!

Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology will be hosting a class in Traditional Herbal Flu Fighters. Get a jump on flu season this year by learning traditional herbal remedies and methods that local Native Americans and Appalachian settlers used.

Learn to identify, process and use sweet gum, elderberry and herbal teas.

Class includes: Herb walk, make and take a sweet gum tincture, taste elderberry syrup and herbal teas.

$10 per person + class materials (list will be emailed upon registration)

Class size is limited so register today!

Class will be led by Alice Evans. Alice is a second year student with Phyllis Light of the Appalachian Center for Natural Health and is pursuing her Community Herbalist certificate.


Traditional Herbal Flu Fighters – An Herbal Class! Read More »

How To Support Your Favorite Business Without Spending a Penny

Recently a cool, little place here in Decatur that I enjoyed frequenting went out of business. In my past I was notorious for picking hairdressers, massage therapists, doctors, etc. that pulled up roots and moved away or quit their chosen profession altogether. I talk to people all the time who are having these same experiences. It’s disheartening.

Couple this with a lot of questions about why folks aren’t seeing my social media posts and I got to thinking about how we can all very quickly and simply use some of the time we waste spend on social media to support the businesses and service providers we love.

Many of you may already know that I focus most of my social media efforts on Facebook. I do have LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and a couple of videos on YouTube and Animoto, but Facebook is where you’re going to find me. I picked Facebook because I’ve been on it for quite a long time and was able to develop my business page with existing knowledge instead of starting over somewhere else. Also, a lot of people are on Facebook and it was free exposure for my business so it just made sense.

Then when Facebook went public and started selling its shares on the open market they changed their algorithms to make it more difficult for businesses to get free exposure to existing and potential customers. So hopefully this will help you 1) start seeing posts from businesses you’re interested in supporting and 2) learn the best techniques to help support your local favorites.

How Do I See Your Posts?

First of all, this technique works for any Facebook business page. I used mine for example purposes because, well, it’s my website so why wouldn’t you want to see my stuff?

So the very first thing you need to do is go to my Facebook page and “Like” my page. Yay! Don’t you wish everything in life were that easy? But, you’re not done yet so keep reading…

The next thing is look for these buttons underneath the cover photo.
Select the down arrow next to the “Following” button. Then select the Pencil icon next to “Notifications”. Please don’t select the “Unfollow This Page” option or you will be sad…
In each section of the Notifications section select the checkboxes for each section that has one and then in the Live Videos section, selection “All Live Posts”. Selecting these options will tell Facebook that you really do want to see what I’m putting out there.
Select “News Feed” in the left-hand menu bar. This dialog box will let you select where you want posts to appear in your Newsfeed. I currently don’t have any information as to whether selecting “See First” is any more influential than “Default”

And when you’re done select “Done”

Whew! That was way more work than I thought it was going to be, but now that it’s set up, you don’t have to mess with it anymore and as a bonus when I post anything you should get a notification. And again, you can do this process for any business you’re really into!

How To Support Your Favorite Business Without Spending a Penny

Obviously, if no one spends money with your favorite business this technique isn’t going to work and they are going to go out of business. So what I’m about to show you will help other people learn about your favorites and hopefully spend their money. This is a win-win so that when you’re ready to spend your money, your favorite massage therapist is still able to to give you a fantastic massage, your favorite esthetician can still give you a fabulous facial, or your favorite restaurant is still serving the best chicken salad in town. Using this technique is also going to convince Facebook that you really do want to see what your favorites are putting online and it’s really easy!

I’m going to sum it up very simply: Like, Comment and Share. If you love my massage go to my Facebook page and scroll down until you start seeing the posts that I make. Then do something to the posts. Like one, make a comment on another one, and if you really, really want Facebook to start putting my posts in front of your face, share them with your friends. If you see a sponsored ad that I’m paying for, share it and comment on it. And when I jump on and do a Live video, please watch it (as much of it as you can stand), comment on it and share it. These simple actions speak volumes to the Facebook algorithms (especially when you SHARE posts) and you will have the best chance of seeing future posts.

Interaction is the key. So let’s get out there and interact! I can’t make any promises, but you  might just get lucky and win something in one of the contests I run. And since I’m a massage therapist, I usually give away interesting things like, oh, massage!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Barefoot Massage Specialist!

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It’s Allergy Season in the South!

Coughing, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, post-nasal drip that just won’t quit, sore throat, sinus infection? Welcome to the Valley of Bad Air!

For it to be so lush and beautiful here, it sure does give a lot of us terrible allergy problems when it’s growing on. Here are a few tip and tricks if you’re suffering with allergy symptoms:

  • Get to know your Neti pot – Studies show washing your sinuses out with a saline solution improves most people’s congestion and sinus issues
  • Know your pollen forecast – If you know you’re allergic to say, cedars, use this handy website to find out if there’s a lot of cedar pollen floating around (there’s even an app for that!) and then make plans to avoid the outdoors during that timeframe
  • Nettle tea or freeze-dried stinging nettle supplements provide a short-term, natural alternative to OTC anti-inflammatories and allergy medications
  • Lemon, lavender and peppermint essential oils diffused regularly can reduce the allergen levels in your home and don’t pollute the air like the store bought air fresheners
  • Stay hydrated! Don’t give pollen and allergens the opportunity to catch onto you. Keep the fluids flowing in order to wash it away
  • Take a probiotic. It might sound weird but studies show the gut is the center of our immune system. Keeping your gut (and immune system) healthy helps you stay well when the allergens are swirling
If you’re suffering from the dreaded sinus headache, give me a buzz and let’s see if my sinus and headache protocols can give you some relief.


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Expert Ashiatsu Provider!

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Catch & Release

Mardi Gras BeadsSo maybe you were at the Mardi Gras parade last weekend and ended up taking a bag full of beads home. Now that bag is sitting next to the door or still in your car and you don’t know what to do with them?

Bring them to Harvest Moon Massage Therapy!

I’ll take care of getting them to Decatur High School’s Developmental Program for recycling. You get them out of your life and Decatur High’s Developmental Program gets job training and a little bit of extra money from re-sale.

It’s a win, Win, WIN!

Here’s more information about the Carnegie Carnival’s Catch & Release program. And the article in the Decatur Daily.

C & R logo


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur’s only master Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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How To Get Your FREE Massage!

freeA while back I decided to start a referral special for clients, but I don’t think I did a good job putting it into words so I wanted to take a minute and put all the details here.

Refer three new clients to me and get a free massage!

Fine Print:
No limits. Refer three friends this month and three more next month you get two free massages!
Free massage must be received within 90 days of award.
This special cannot be combined with gift certificates.


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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Expanded Hours at Harvest Moon Massage Therapy!

rainbowWell, it seems my contract at that other job that has been taking up so much of my time these past few years has finally run its course. I am so very excited to announce that effective August 24th I will have many more hours to devote to clients.

My new schedule will be as follows:
Monday: 12pm – 8pm
Wednesday: 12pm – 8pm
Friday: 9am – 4pm

I know many of you have been hesitant to share me with your friends because of my limited availability, but you could just earn a free massage if you do!

Refer three friends between now and the end of the year and earn a free 1-hour massage. Each friend must book and receive at least one 1-hour massage, plus write your name as their referral in order to qualify. Gift certificate redemptions don’t count for this incentive, but there’s no limit to the number of free massages you can earn.

Book your appointment today!


Also, I will begin sending out available appointments at the beginning of each week (if any are still open) so make sure you’re on my MailChimp email list!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Barefoot Massage Specialist!

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Mardi Gras Special!

MardiGrasCreweMany of you probably have already seen that I am on a Mardi Gras Crewe here in Decatur, AL. I’m a charter member of Crewe O’ Ye Crooked Goat, aka Pirate Crewe and you can find us over here if you’re interested in becoming part of our crewe or just like all things piratey.

Anyway, I always try to do a special around Mardi Gras because it’s fun, but this year the stakes are being raised.

Recently, the Carnegie Carnival parlayed with Decatur High School Developmental Program and began a proper recycling program for all the Mardi Gras beads that are flung about during the parades. The developmental center will wash, sort, and re-bundle all the beads collected and then put them back into circulation for next year’s celebration. All proceeds from the recycling program will benefit the developmental program. Win! Win! Win!

Last year you’ll remember we were an informal collection point for Mardi Gras beads after the parade. As of today, we are now an OFFICIAL Carnegie Carnival collection point for beads that will be recycled through the developmental program.

So, without further ado…

Bring in a fistful of Mardi Gras beads to recycle and you will receive $10 off your massage.

This offer is good one per customer and runs from February 14th – March 31st.

Want to get in on the fun? Carnegie Carnival Mardi Gras schedule is here! Hope to see you at the parade on February 14th!

Or you could just become a pirate and join our Crewe! Ask me how.

It’s so easy a PIRATE could do it!



Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Bamboo Fusion Therapist!

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Take Care of Yourself!

Pinterest ButtonA while back I started a Pinterest board for self-care. It’s called Stretch & Strengthen and it’s over here. I think you might have to have an account to see it. But go ahead, Pinterest is just another form of Internet crack.

I started this board because sometimes I hurt and my next massage is either not yet scheduled or is a week or more away. And we all know how easy it is to get in with a massage therapist on short notice, so I have to take matters into my own hands and do something.

My favorite self-care tools are a tennis ball, a foam roller and a yoga mat. I think it’s best to keep it simple so a lot of the stretches and strengtheners can be done with little to no equipment.

Right now the board reads like a journey through my personal aches and pains, but recently I was able to start adding pins to it with specific client issues I was seeing. So if you’re working on something specific, let me know and I’ll see if I can add a pin for it.

I intend this Stretch and Strengthen board to be a resource for folks looking for self-care and preventive-care for aches and pains. It in no way should be interpreted as a replacement, substitute or advice for medical care.


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Ashi-Thai Therapist!

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