Self Care

Out, Out, Damned Sciatic Pain!

Sciatic NerveOh sciatic, you are wreaking havoc among friends, family and clients right now so I am officially declaring war. When I keep seeing and hearing about sciatic issues it’s time for me to do something. So here’s a compilation of my favorite exercises for hip and sciatic pain relief in one place. If you’re here because you’re struggling with sciatic pain, I hope these exercises and stretches help you.

Seated Hip Stretch

I love this stretch and use it often. This is where you want to start if you’re not very bendy. Just get the ankle up on the knee, hang out, and listen to what the hip is telling you. A little pain might be necessary to get things moving, but stop if you start feeling that “something is tearing” pain.

 Education is Key

I like this video because the doctor explains the different types of issues that can cause sciatic pain and offers different exercises for each. Try them all and then pick the ones that you think are giving you the best results.

 Another Sciatic Nerve Stretch

This is a pretty common stretch that I’ve seen for sciatic relief. I tend to use this one as well when my sciatic flares up. I like it because I get to lay on the floor, on my back, you know, like sleeping except with stretching.

 Standing Pigeon Piriformis Stretch

You can do this exercise standing next to your bed or any stable raised surface. It’s a good stretch for that pesky piriformis muscle and gets you ready for the next one (if you dare). Please make sure the surface you pick is stable and not going to slide out from under you.


Here is an article about stretching before sleep that has some great pictures of what this stretch looks like done on a bed.

The Mother of All Sciatic Stretches

Also known as Pigeon in the yoga world, this stretch is well known for opening up the hip rotators and should be considered an advanced move. I recommend working through all the other stretches above and then working slowly into this one.

So there you have it! Good luck, work smart and I look forward to hearing how you progress through these exercises and getting out of pain. As always, my table and services are available to you for assistance with sciatic pain management.

***Micro mini fine print: I’m not a doctor and this article is not intended to replace medical advice. Please listen to your body and seek medical attention when necessary.***


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage Therapy is Decatur, Alabama’s Original Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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Summer Vacation 2016!

Relaxed Feet!

It’s that time of year when everyone is running off to the beach or the mountains to relax a bit. I’ll be joining them this week for some much needed R&R. I plan on sitting with my feet in the dirt and sand as much as possible, soaking up some sun and recharging my batteries in anticipation of this very, busy upcoming summer.

I’ll be slow to respond to phone calls, voicemail, text messages, and emails this week so if you are an existing client please use my online scheduler. Remember to use the same email address from which you receive my emails when booking online. Otherwise my scheduler will think you’re new and won’t let you book. New clients, please call and leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

The particulars:

Harvest Moon Massage Therapy & Reflexology will be closed beginning May 30th and will reopen June 6th.

I hope each of you will be able to take some time to rest and recharge this summer. And when you do, I want to hear about it!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Original Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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Regarding the Hyperthyroid

Thyroid and massageJanuary is Thyroid Awareness Month and everywhere I look I see lots and lots of information about hypothyroidism and very little on hyperthyroidism. So I thought I would share a little bit about my recent experience with a whacked out, overactive, hyperthyroid.

While you need a blood test to diagnose hyperthyroidism here are a few things to look out for that might lead you to your doctor for a test

  • Significant, unexplained weight loss paired with increased appetite
  • Anxiety and/or nervousness
  • Insomnia
  • Heart palpitations, pounding and/or racing heart
  • Higher rates of hair and nail growth
  • Muscle weakness
  • Increased frequency of bowel output
  • Menstrual changes

Unfortunately, I experienced all of the above listed symptoms and it was absolutely no fun whatsoever. The onset of symptoms came on gradually over a period of a few weeks until I was a vibrating mess of emotional turmoil that led to a weepy doctor’s office visit where blood was drawn. Apparently these are classic symptoms and the doctors knew pretty quickly what we were dealing with.

Ironically, I had been on meds for hypothyroid for several years. So those were stopped in the hopes the symptoms would resolve on their own. They did not. The medical course of treatment to date has been a wait and see with a monthly blood draw to test the levels of thyroid hormones in my bloodstream.

Being the more proactive type, I did some research. The medical options for treating hyperthyroidism are pretty bleak. They include meds that might reduce the thyroid hormone, taking radioactive iodine to destroy all or part of the thyroid thus ensuring a lifelong hypothyroid condition, or complete removal of the thyroid gland (also effecting a lifelong hypothyroid condition).

All of these medical interventions sounded a little scary to me so I looked in a more holistic direction and added an herbal tincture of bugleweed, lemon balm, and motherwort. Each of these herbs combat different symptoms I was experiencing. I also cleaned up my diet, focusing on reducing inflammation in my body and giving my gut flora the nutritional building blocks it needed to repopulate. I realized that over the 6 weeks preceding the hyperthyroid symptom onset I had allowed some less than healthy eating habits to drift into my diet. I also drank a lot of nervine tea, diffused essential oils, and received massage to combat the constant and overwhelming anxiety I experienced.

What Causes Hyperthyroidism?

There are several known causes of thyroid disease, but from the research I have done it seems that it’s not well understood overall. More information on the known causes of hyperthyroidism can be found here.

I believe my hyperthyroidism was caused by inflammation from poor dietary choices. And while I haven’t had a blood test in a while to see, I think I’m leveling off. Though I certainly don’t think my thyroid journey is over.

As always, if you suspect your thyroid is not functioning properly, please see a doctor. This article is informational only and not to be used as medical advice.


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is a Certified Holistic Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist!

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It’s Always Sunny in Lobsterville

sun-wearing-sunglassesThis week is National Sun Safety Week and with schools letting out for the summer it can’t come at a better time.

I well remember the summer between my junior and senior year when we spent a week on St. George’s Island. Senior portraits were the week after our beach trip and I was determined to have a tan to remember. Determination quickly led that pale princess to Lobsterville. There were no toes in the water, no ass in the sand, oh no, I spent most of the week inside or on the screened porch reading Crime and Punishment and smelling like a salad. I don’t know what was worse, no water, no sand, the book, or the pervasive eau du vinegar. Ugh!

So I thought I would take a minute to share with you a few tips that I’ve learned over the years in regard to sun safety. Most of them learned the hard way…

  1. Bug spray and sunscreen don’t play nice together. The Sun Safety Alliance says bug spray reduces SPF by 1/3. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know that combined they make for a very painful after sun experience.
  2. You can get sunburned in the shade. Experience, y’all. Experience… wear sunscreen even if you’re sitting in the shade, wearing a hat and covered up by a sarong. Also, on overcast days…again, experience.
  3. Spray sunscreen is the devil. I heard something about this on the news recently. They were advising against its use. I don’t know what their issue with it is, but in my experience it doesn’t just spray on nice and even. You have to rub it in just like the regular stuff if you’re going to use it or just go ahead and expect to be sporting a bizarrely shaped sunburn and (if you’re lucky) follow-on tan. Also, I suspect the propellants are dangerous to the atmosphere or our health or the wildlife.
  4. Use way more than you think you need. No really, slather that stuff on like it’s running from the faucets.
  5. Towels and clothing will steal your sunscreen. If you touch any part of your skin with any kind of fabric just go ahead and plan to reapply cause more than likely it took it off of you. Wet towels are the worst for this!
  6. If you develop a fine rash all over your exposed skin after applying sunscreen, go inside and wash it off immediately. Then schedule an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist. Do not spend the entire day outside re-applying the same sunscreen over and over. It’s just not worth it.

So there you go, just a few of my hard hitting, personal learning experiences with the sun.

And if you’re wondering how sunburns and massage relate, they don’t. If you have an appointment for a massage and also have a sunburn that is less than 48-72 hours old, just go ahead and call and reschedule. It’ll save you a trip as most good therapists will send you home anyway.

Take care of yourselves out there in the beautiful summer sun!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Fijian Barefoot Massage Therapist!

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Cracking the Walnut

Muscles_rhomboïdesIf you’ve been to see me and spent any time at all on my table you know I’m constantly harping on how we not only need to stretch muscles, but we also need to strengthen the opposing muscles in order to address and heal the problem. In pursuit of that I have decided to begin a series of self-care articles that will hopefully be helpful to someone.

I’m beginning with Cracking the Walnut because most of us are familiar with the insidious upper back pain that manifests between the shoulder blades. You know what I’m talking about. We’ve all experienced the burning, tingling, sparkling, tightness and/or tiredness between the shoulders that tends to spend weeks or months torturing us before it mysteriously retreats only to return again when we least need or expect it.

Cracking the walnut refers to an exercise I once learned from a Pilates instructor who for several months put me through the unique torture that is called a Body Reformer machine. Her version of cracking the walnut involved me lying on my belly on a big box while holding onto straps and extending my arms straight out to their respective sides as I tried desperately to continue breathing. Eventually I was able to correctly perform this exercise and am glad that I learned it because I attribute it to fixing a host of problems with my upper back and neck.

The good news today is that you don’t need a Body Reformer machine or a Pilates instructor to learn how to crack this walnut. My philosophy for these self-care articles is to give you simple things that you can do with little to no equipment or by using everyday objects and items you already own in the comfort and convenience of your own space.

You simply need to relax and find a place to be. This scapula squeeze strengthener can be done by sitting with your arms loosely held by your sides, head facing forward and aligned over the spine, shoulders down, abs contracted and maintaining a protected, stable, and flat low back. When you’re aligned, gently squeeze the shoulder blades together while keeping the elbows low and at your side. Here’s a short video that illustrates the move.



In most folks, the shoulders start to drift up, a noticeable sway develops in the low back and the chest puffs out. Don’t do this! See the ProTip below to learn how to access the correct muscles and keep your alignment impeccable.

Once you can maintain your alignment through the move, engage and hold for a count of three. Do that 10 times. Observe how you feel before and after each set.

ProTip: If you’re having trouble isolating the rhomboids and middle trapezius muscles, extend both arms straight out to the sides of your body with palms facing forward. Then visualize using your scapula to squeeze out a sponge. Experiment and really pay attention to what it feels like to move and access these muscles.

In the beginning you might get sore from only one set of 10. Remember that these muscles are very seldom engaged in our hunched over a desk, laptop, tablet, and cellphone society. In fact, they are more likely to be in a constant state of stretch which sounds great until the muscles want to go home and rest for a while.

So be kind to yourself, go slow, and work your way up to a stronger set of rhomboids, middle trapezius muscles, and less pain in the upper back.

As always, I’m here with my table if you need me, but I hope you’ll try some of these self-care techniques. Feel better!


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Master Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapist!

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Take Care of Yourself!

Pinterest ButtonA while back I started a Pinterest board for self-care. It’s called Stretch & Strengthen and it’s over here. I think you might have to have an account to see it. But go ahead, Pinterest is just another form of Internet crack.

I started this board because sometimes I hurt and my next massage is either not yet scheduled or is a week or more away. And we all know how easy it is to get in with a massage therapist on short notice, so I have to take matters into my own hands and do something.

My favorite self-care tools are a tennis ball, a foam roller and a yoga mat. I think it’s best to keep it simple so a lot of the stretches and strengtheners can be done with little to no equipment.

Right now the board reads like a journey through my personal aches and pains, but recently I was able to start adding pins to it with specific client issues I was seeing. So if you’re working on something specific, let me know and I’ll see if I can add a pin for it.

I intend this Stretch and Strengthen board to be a resource for folks looking for self-care and preventive-care for aches and pains. It in no way should be interpreted as a replacement, substitute or advice for medical care.


Sharon Bryant Harvest Moon Massage is Decatur, Alabama’s Only Ashi-Thai Therapist!

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