I Love The Internet, And This Is Why…

I am an avid blog follower. I also enjoy writing which is why I choose to blog as my main interface for Harvest Moon with the internet.

As such, quite a while back I found a blog about fitness and nutrition and added it to my Bloglines, “Massage Blog” folder as more articles than not were of interest and I gleaned information I could use in my massage practice.

This morning I noticed a new article had been posted. It was on the knee and ligaments in the knee and how each different ligament experiences damage. It was focused and succinct and quite possibly the best overall description I’ve ever read of the ligament configuration and ligament function of the knee joint. You can read the article here, if you care to.

I wish my textbooks had been written as well as this lone article. Even though her focus is definitely not massage, but injury, this macro-style would have saved hours of flipping through books and internet searches trying to learn the specifics of the knee.

And this, my friends, is why I love the internet. A chic from Australia who knows a thing or two about knee injury can put her knowledge online and halfway around the world a chic from the U.S. can learn a thing or two from it. Where else are we going to get that kind of collaboration?

1 thought on “I Love The Internet, And This Is Why…”

  1. Hey! This is two years too late but thank you. I noticed your comment on my blog…I have a few and some slip through. Very sorry. I appreciate the comment and nice words! I have had a quick look through your blog, but I will have more time in the week to look in a bit more detail. I like some of the post titles, and I will find a couple to link back too. I like to promote self massage as a do it yourself method to anyone who cares to read my blog… and a lot of your stuff will complement that nicely. Thanks again for the kind words two years ago. Sorry I let it slip through.


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